Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's Here!

My fairing finally came today. The box wasn't near as large as I thought it was going to be. After receiving a call from the DHL delivery man, I went home at lunch and moved it into the house for safekeeping.

After work, I hurried home, changed clothes and headed out to the garage. Before I could even think about opening the box...a fiberglass case actually...I had to clean up a mess on my makeshift workbench...a piece of plywood on sawhorses.

It only took me about 20 minutes to clear space and then I hoisted the case onto the bench and began to unwrap my present. Carefully, I peeled away the wrapping and peeked inside. I have been very apprehensive about whether or not the paint was going to match. Last year when I ordered touch-up paint from Color-Rite and it turned out to be much too dark. However, the new fairing is a perfect match for the's going to look like it came that way from the factory.

It didn't take long to get all the wrapping off have the fairing carefully placed on a blanket. I then began to unwrap the various connectors and wiring bundles that are required to make everything work. That's when I decided that reading the installation manual might be a good idea. I know that the typical male usually just jumps in and starts putting things together...and I'm nothing if not your typical male. However, in this case, I decided to be atypical.

Reading the installation instructions is a hoot. The fairing came from Hong Kong...or somewhere over there. Anyway, the English is pretty good, considering the source, but the sentence structure and use of words is amusing. At least it isn't too hard to understand the meaning.

I've now read the instructions and the basic installation doesn't seem too difficult. However, the wiring may be a different story. Phase two of the installation...mounting the fairing to the next. I will probably wait until Saturday morning to begin that process.

If anyone wants to come down and lend a hand, there's still time to make it...come on down.

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